Eureka Seven
Eureka Seven, known in Japan as Psalms of Planets Eureka seveN, is a Japanese mecha anime TV series by Bones. Eureka Seven tells the story of Renton Thurston and the outlaw group Gekkostate, his relationship with the enigmatic mecha pilot Eureka, and the mystery of the Coralians.
Bandai produced three video games based on Eureka Seven; two of them are based on events prior to the show, while the third is based on the first half of the show. Both the original concept of the anime and the video game Eureka Seven vol. 1: New Wave have been adapted into manga series as well, although with many significant changes primarily at the end. The TV series has also been adapted into a series of four novels and a movie.
Released: 2005
Yuuko Sanpei, Keiji Fujiwara, Kaori Nazuka, Michiko Neya, Fumie Mizusawa, Taro Yamaguchi, Yasunori Matsumoto, Mayumi Asano, Eriko Kigawa, Akio Nakamura, Mamoru Miyano, Yoko Soumi, Tamio Ohki, Shigenori Yamazaki, Choo, Kōji Tsujitani, Ami Koshimizu, Aya Hisakawa, Jūrōta Kosugi, Rikiya Koyama, Banjou Ginga, Akiko Yajima, Takkou Ishimori, Tomoyuki Shimura, Eriko Kigawa, Takeshi Aono, Sakiko Tamagawa, Mariko Akashi