Controversial Social Activist and Filmmaker Peter Joseph, creator of the world-renowned "Zeitgeist Film Series," which has been translated into over 40 languages; screened in over 150 countries and seen in total by an estimated 300 Million people - has announced he is closing his prior socially conscious film Series as a Trilogy - only to launch a brand new film set titled: "InterReflections."
Released: 2020
Stephen Spear, Ewan McLaughlin, Joré Aaron, Francesco Pistone, Summer Perry, Marisa Mendelso, Mikael Mattsson, Gregory Niebel, Goldie Hoffman, Michael Marinaccio, Molly Malin, Melina Rose Kolani, Shiah Luna, Rachael Jane, Bahar Barkzi, Sean Renzetti, Chris Grabher, Blanca Yanez, Gabriel Limbe