The Deadly Spawn
When a meteorite touches down in the New Jersey woods carrying a monstrous alien slug, it’s up to four teens to stop it before it’s terrifying brood consumes all life on Earth!
Released: 1983
James L. Brewster, Tom DeFranco, Rita Hildebrandt, Andrew Michaels, Diane Bohus, Cliff Rubin, Michael Mastrobaltista, Ted A. Bohus, Joe Kanarek, Charles George Hildebrandt, Jonathan Neil Harris, Elissa Neil, Margaret Truit, Gabriel Bartalos, Madeline Charanis, John Arndt, Ethel Michelson, John Schmerling, Robert Bohus, Karen Tighe, Richard Lee Porter, Judith Mayes, Darlene Kenley, William Sorgi, Jack Piccuro, Diane Stevens, Gary De Franco, Tim Hildebrandt, Michael Robert Coleman, Skip Williamson, Jean E. McPherson, Eric C. Hammarstrom, Joseph Haggerty, John Tiger, Ted Bohus Sr., Jean Tafler, Ken Burge, Jon Cavaluzzo, David Steck, Lucile Riley