The Man Who Knew Too Much
A widescreen, Technicolor remake by Hitchcock of his 1934 film of the same title. A couple vacationing in Morocco with their young son accidentally stumble upon an assassination plot. When the child is kidnapped to ensure their silence, they have to take matters into their own hands to save him.
Released: 1956
James Stewart, Doris Day, Brenda De Banzie, Bernard Miles, Alan Mowbray, Hillary Brooke, Christopher Olsen, Daniel Gélin, Reggie Nalder, Bernard Herrmann, Carolyn Jones, Alix Talton, Richard Wattis, Ralph Truman, Mogens Wieth, Noel Willman, Yves Brainville, Patrick Aherne, Frank Albertson, Frank Atkinson, John Barrard, Mayne Lynton, Clifford Buckton, Walter Bacon, Lovyss Bradley, Nora Bush, Ann Kunde, Jean Ransome, Albert Carrier, Louis Mercier, Anthony Warde, Frank Baker, Oliver Cross, Sam Harris, Jimmie Horan, Carl M. Leviness, Lee Miller, Arthur Tovey, Harry Fine, Alex Frazer, Wolf Frees, Richard Marner, Milton Frome, Walter Gotell, Leo Gordon, Alfred Hitchcock, Gladys Holland, George Howe, Richard Wordsworth, Eumenio Blanco, Allen Jaffe, Lou Krugman, Harold Kasket, Barry Keegan, Lloyd Lamble, Lewis Martin, Ralph Neff, John O'Malley, Eric Snowden, Patrick Whyte, Alma Taylor, Guy Verney, Peter Williams, John Marshall